A Paradigm for AI Consciousness


  • Michael Johnson

Full text (open access)


  • How can we create a container for knowledge about AI consciousness? This work introduces a new framework based on physicalism, decoherence, and symmetry. Major arguments include (1) atoms are a more sturdy ontology for grounding consciousness than bits, (2) Wolfram’s ‘branchial space’ is where an object’s true shape lives, (3) electromagnetism is a good proxy for branchial shape, (4) brains and computers have significantly different shapes in branchial space, (5) symmetry considerations will strongly inform a future science of consciousness, and (6) computational efficiency considerations may broadly hedge against “s-risk”.


  • June, 2024



  • Biology, Physical Sciences, Psychology, Scientific Ethics, Technology


  • Michael is a philosopher and neuroscientist researching minds, nervous systems, why humans are beautiful, and what the future may hold. Major works include Principia Qualia (which introduced the Symmetry Theory of Valence), Neural Annealing, and Principles of Vasocomputation. Michael writes at opentheory.net.



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